Author's Archive
03.01 2012
Optical Fiber Opens Friday
Opening Friday, March 2nd, 2012, 7-10 pm
March 2nd through March 31st
In conjunction with Fiber Philadelphia, Space 1026 is proud to present Optical Fiber, a group exhibition exploring the diversity of fiber arts. Though varied in technique and discipline all of the artists challenge the characteristics and attitudes usually associated with fiber arts resulting in unconventional textiles pushing the limits of functionality and aesthetics. Please join us for an opening reception Friday, March 2nd from 7-10 pm at 1026 Arch St.
Optical Fiber features work by New Friends, Takashi Iwasaki, Annie Larson, Erin M Riley, Allison Watkins and Megan Whitmarsh.
11.15 2011
Matt Leines Greatest Hits
Greatest Hits is a collection of new unique multiples in the form of cut out paper puppets. Many of Matt’s favorite characters and subjects will be on view such as Tigers, Wrestling Heroes, Wrestling Tiger Heroes, Men with Strange Heads, Wrestling Heroes with Strange Heads, and More! But that’s not all! All new characters will also make their debut such as Kitty Kats, and Girls??!? This is truly a show for everyone. And it’…s all for sale. With the Holidays quickly approaching here is a perfect opportunity to get some shopping done early and cross some of those names off your list. Matt Leines Greatest Hits will feature the perfect art gifts for Men, Children, Man Children, Grandchildren, Boyfriends, Girlfriends, Friends, and all sorts of Ladies. You won’t want to miss it!
Matt Leines has shown his work all over the place. From well known party spots/art galleries in New York and Los Angeles to Spanish Museums and Japanese music festivals. He had a book come out called You Are Forgiven in 2008. This will be among his first proper showings in Philadelphia, the town he calls home, since his arrival three years ago. Sorry for the one week delay in the show opening, the artist had a little bike accident which almost left him a cyclops. For more info surf on over to
This is the event of the season!
Friday November 18th 2011
7-9pm at Benna’s
Corner of 8th and Wharton
10.25 2011
Art Adventures For Families
Art adventures for families by Chris kline.
Opens November 4 th at the last drop coffee house (13th and pine) 6- 9pm, and runs till the end of the month.
The show will include a vareity of paintings, screen prints, and drawings.
06.27 2011
Alternate Universe Opening This Friday!
Alternate Universe
Chelsea Coon and Emily Bowser
July 1st – July 29th, 2011
Opening Reception: Friday, July 1st, 7 – 10 pm
The imaginary world created will speak of the endless possibilities of what can exist in space. The playful nature is intentional to help to ease the idea of worlds existing other than our own. Through the tangled mass of parallel universe tunnels opening up into an alternate worlds landscape, we are depicting a world exclusive from what we know that is beautiful, bizarre, and asks the question of where the real ends and the unreal begins. When is imagination more of a necessity for understanding than scientific fact? Through a tangible interactive setting the mind will explore ideas of the intangible such as the origins of life or the elements fundamental for the creation. The installation will cause the viewers to consider what lies beyond the realms of what we know.
Come by this Friday to see this incredible installation and eat some cotton candy!
02.04 2011
Tonight! First Friday!
Tonight is the opening for Refugee Reading Room!
Amze Emmons and a whole bunch of other amazing artists contributed the make up the Refugee Reading Room.
Tonight, 7-10pm
1026 Arch St. 2nd Fl.
Zines, prints, snacks and so much more!
02.02 2011
Refugee Reading Room Sneak Peak!
The Refugee Reading Room is looking awesome!
Make sure to be here Friday for the opening, 7 – 10!
Zines, prints, snacks and so much more!
02.01 2011
Refugee Reading Room
Imagine this image built in real life… that’s what’s in the gallery!
Install pictures coming soon!
Opening First Friday, February 4th, 7 – 10pm
01.20 2011
Refugee Reading Room
Amze Emmons
February 4th – 25th, 2011
Opening Reception: Friday, February 4th
With Special Guests: