Phoning It In From Yogyakarta

Image by: Wedhar Riyadi
Curated by: Lee Tusman

Opening Friday, April 6th, 2012
April 6th – 27th, 2012

Indonesia is one of the highest populated countries in the world. The island of Java, with 135 million residents, is the most populated island in Indonesia and the center of artistic life in the country. With hundreds of galleries and alternative spaces in Jakarta, Bandung, and Yogyakarta, Java has both a commercial and DIY art scene that compares favorably to cities in Europe and America.

Despite this immensity of activity, the work of young contemporary Indonesian artists is largely unknown here in the US. On a recent trip to Yogyakarta, I was overwhelmed with the flourishing DIY youth art scene, one that I thought would feel at home in Philadelphia and at Space 1026 in particular. A variety of artists active in contemporary painting, drawing, screenprinting and photography; have been invited to phone in their work through the internet to be printed and displayed in the gallery.

In addition to the work of Javanese artists, I have also invited Drexel University Professor Brent Luvaas to include a slideshow of his photographs of streetwear and street life in Java. He has traveled extensively throughout the area and his images help place youth DIY subculture in context within society. It is my hope that this is just the first of multiple exhibitions and programs that show off the diversity and excitement of the art scene in Java today.

-Lee Tusman

Wedhar Riyadi
Uji Hahan
Rudy Aceh
Ahmad Oka
Diki “Leos” Firmansah
Hendra “HeHe” Harsono
Indun Bonzo
Iyok Prayogo
Janu Satmoko
Riono Tanggul
Taringpadi Collective
Indo Streetwear Photography by Brent Luvaas/Drexel University