01.30 2008
William Buzzell’s "Class Action" Opens Feburary 16th
William Buzzell at Giant Robot New York, February 16 – March 12, 2008
Reception: Saturday, 6:30 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Giant Robot Gallery
437 East 9th Street
Between 1st Ave. & Ave. A, in the East Village
New York, New York 10009
(212) 674-GRNY
Giant Robot is proud to present Class Action, paintings and sculpture by Philadelphia-based artist William Buzzell.
Working almost entirely with found wood or metal and common latex house paint, Buzzell’s pieces are characterized by a surface of intricate brushwork and often feature three-dimensional elements. William Buzzell dips into the mundane, the practical world and a deep well of popular culture, often using maps, logos, charts, text, and familiar cartoon characters or TV icons to fill every inch of his paintings. A native of Providence, RI, much of Buzzell’s early work was installed on the streets of his hometown and New York under the alias Rotgut.
Buzzell is a current member of the Artist Studio/Gallery Space 1026 in Philadelphia. The artist has had major exhibitions in Los Angeles, San Jose, Sweden, and Canada. We are very pleased to offer his first solo show in New York.
A reception for William Buzzell will be held from 6:30 to 10:00 on Saturday, February 16. For more information about the artist, GRNY, or Giant Robot magazine, please contact GRNY.