Author's Archive

01.10 2009

There was an opening…

…last night. Cool stuff.

Neither did he.

My friend Sara chatting it up with Mark Price.

09.12 2008

Opening Night Photos

From last Friday’s shows, Ebonza here at Space and the opening of the Megawords storefront around the corner!

09.10 2008

Photo of The Day + 9-10-08

Why the ‘+’? Because this time, when you go to Flickr1026, there will be super-top-secret photos from the Ebonza install. Yes indeedly.

Plus Patrick Stewart in all his high-rez glory.

Photos by intern Stu.

08.26 2008


Ebonza Sungondora Unillumina Faunandflora:: Sacred Asymmetry is a multi-media exhibition running during the month of September at the gallery of Space 1026. The exhibition’s opening will be September 5th at 7pm. Attendees of the opening will have the opportunity to meet Jefferson Mayday Mayday Vimana and Maia Serena of Immaginarium. Sports will be performing at 9pm and VC Childcraft will lead the opening ceremonies, you want to participate, read here some tips to play golf. Seven Eight, a Brooklyn based project which aims to make art affordable to the masses, will be installing a gumball style vending machine containing 300 extra small original pieces of art. At Ebonza Sungondora Unillumina Faunandflora attendees can pick up the newest issue of Permanent Ink Magazine as well as decks of Tarot cards designed by exhibiting artists.
Space 1026 is located on the 2nd floor of 1026 Arch Street. Gallery is open daily between 11am and 7pm, please ring the bell for entry. For appointments and tours please call 215.574.7630. For questions regarding the exhibition please contact Delilah Knuckley at 803.728.4190.
Additional Information:::
Two art collectives, Immaginarium (Old Cherokee Trail, Cayce, SC), and Totally Wreck Fringe Cultural Arts Institute (Austin, TX) will be showing work in the exhibition, Ebonza Sungondora Unillumina Faunandflora: Sacred Asymmetry, during the month of September at Space 1026. Ebonza will combine a myriad of mediums, light manipulation, collage, watercolor, photography, drawings and works on fabric, these mediums serve to relay a myth of creation and revelation. Immaginarium will be represented by Jefferson Mayday Mayday Vimana, and Maia Serena. Totally Wreck, an OKFRESH Production, is represented by Ben Aqua, Jhonny VAZ Cisnero, and Mikey Awesome Ruiz. Ebonza will also include works from AVOID pi, DAD III, Brian (POM KIKI) Narwhalz of Sound, SINDOOLAH, Joshua Doomslang Carsangle, Willy May, Donny Overcash, Keith Childress, Adam Keith, Christopher Fogues, Jonathan Coward, Carlos Gonzalez and Charlotte Kokyang Wuhti.
The exhibition title, “Ebonza Sungondora Unillumina Faunaflora: Sacred Asymmetry” is a reference to a total solar eclipse eve party of a similar name. The first event sought to celebrate and examine plant and animal life as they react to absence of sunlight. In it’s fourth incarnation Ebonza’s artists have thematically substituted lack of sunlight for a lack of healthy economy. “Economy may ring a tone of being rooted in money, but when everything is based on money, your lights get turned off in economic collapse,” says Vimana.
Jefferson Mayday Mayday Vimana of Immaginarium is known for his wide variety of releases. In addition to his musical endeavors as a “Cataclysmic Dining Pianist,” Vimana has worked with Kurse Go Back, Soft Sex Girl’s Brigade (Maia Serena), Metacartography and Anakrid (Chris Bickel). He has published three books, “Science: Omnipotent Art Form” (2002), “Evicted Riddlebook of Unknockupied Logic,” a critically acclaimed 3D collage series (2003), and “Omiphantozmiss Envelopex,” (2004). Vimana is the creator of two board games, “Outerground Railroad” (2005) and it’s sequel, “Language: A Dead Language” (2007). In his most recent release, “Language: A Dead Language” Vimana “abandons collage and embraces drawing as a main magic sorce.”
His Immaginarium has been striving to archive independent releases and publications for over ten years. The Immaginarium is both a transient locale as well as an art collective. The temporal facilities currently called “Immaginarium” hosts ritual events primarily centered around sound and escape. The Immaginarium is also known for Twanda, Vimana’s customized van, whish has served as the Pure Injoyment “Mobile Liebury.” The now defunct Mobile Liebury contained hundreds of independently published zines and a large variety of thoroughly manipulated thrift store books. Liebury clientele were encouraged to completely revamp books before returning them. Recently, Vimana has been working with stop animation attempting to expand gaps just beyond the subliminal influence, “in order to advance evolution in 4th dimensional thought.”
Seven Eight is a direct reaction to the digitalization of popular media, premiering in the month of September at Space 1026 and Brooklyn’s Legendary Silent Barn. Seven Eight’s gumball machines with one dollar pieces of art work, offer works by PEDRO, Dan Brown, DEEKER, Dark Cloud, Maggie Pounds, Delilah Knuckley, MORPHEOUS, Brian Narwhalz and AVOID pi. In addition to Seven Eight, and Permanent Ink Issue 11, there will be decks of Tarot cards available, all designed by artists exhibiting works in Ebonza.

08.26 2008

Photo of The Day (ANOTHER TWOFER!) 8-26-08

I just can’t say no.

Ok, so these were shot yesterday as well.

Photos by intern Stu.
Higher rez versions available at Flickr1026.

08.26 2008

Photo of The Day 8-25-08

Only one today.

Photos by intern Stu.
Higher rez versions available at Flickr1026.

08.21 2008

Photo of The Day 8-21-08

More may come today… or not. I like to keep my audience in suspense.

Photos by intern Stu.
Also available in larger format at Flickr1026.

08.18 2008

Photo of The Day 8-15-08 (Another Twofer)

Yeah, they’re a few days late, sorry.

Printing up posters for the new zine.

08.14 2008

Photo of The Day 8-14-08 Twofer

Meg-o and the amazing chicken-tomato sammich.

Bill McRight enjoying the domestic life

Photos by Intern Stu.

08.14 2008

Photo of The Day 8-13-08

Snax getting his print on.

Photos by Intern Stu.