Author's Archive

09.20 2016

*Skate Park(ing) Day 2016

Park(ing) Day 2016 Space 1026

This past Friday the 16th we had the pleasure of participating in Philadelphia’s 8th annual Park(ing) Day, presented by The Center for Architecture. The concept of the citywide event is to turn inactive vehicle parking into vibrant street-side park space, if only for a day.

We figured what better way to do so than to build the world’s smallest skate park. James Bonney and Kees Holterman designed and built the installation at break neck intensity over the course of two weeks. Many friends also lent a hand with painting and moving the dang ramps from the studio to the street. Thanks pals!

Also, a BIG thanks to Franklin’s Paine Skatepark Fund and Spectrum Skateboard Co. for extra support!

(Don’t be shy. Click through that slideshow.)