Archive for the ‘oldblog’ Category

07.03 2008

F!%* Yeah Fest Tour 08′ Chicago!!!

Philadelphia and Chicago!!!
Hi! it’s max and delilah helloring from Chicago. If you are in the windy city, come hang out with us at the Stan Mansion – 2408 N Kedzie -Chicago , IL or check the website at the empty bottle!

Thank you Danielle and Travis for coming out and making an awesome installation for the st. louis show. Danielle, I cant believe you let 28 stinky people sleep at the studio and im glad we were able to save your building from burning down…I almost forgot, Bill McRight!!!!!!!, congratz on getting engaged, on being one of Juxtapose’s profiled artists this month, as well as doing a really amazing job with the hand drawn typography on the front and back covers of Swindle magazine. Your so modest i know you would never say shit about any of that and i can see you blushing now!

Ok, back to F!!! Yeah Business.Check out daily video postings of the tour at video thing dot com

Check out a short video i took in austin of Matt and Kim here

NEXT FRIDAY , the 11th
The tour will be in philadelphia at the starlight ballroom. Check out the lineup featuring Circle Jerks, Dillinger Four, Matt & Kim, Paint it Black, Monotonix & Team Robespierre… and a special performance by Cars Will Burn!!! Check out the r5 website here! for more information about the show.

I would also like to let people know about a lesser known band that we are on tour with who are truly inspirational. Crystal Antlers hails from Long Beach CA and are one the gnarliest grrrock bands i have heard in a long time. After 5 days with them, my slick hairless chest has begun to sprout a bit of manhood and i have them to thank. I have posted a partial mp3 of one of their songs here , the 6 song ep is not available online or digitally anywhere legally so support the band and buy their cdr’s from their myspace page here!!!

Also, if you have never had the pleasure of seeing MONOTONIX! perform, please go to the philly show and engulf yourself in our tel aviv brothers energy. i promise you will not be disappointed. It has been a truly GG Allen – Charles Manson – transcendental experience for me to see their performances (minus the poop throwing and angry overdosing that comes with a GG Allen show).

and purchase your limited edition tour poster designed and printed by Space1026 very own Alex Lukas here!

Delilah – Fort Worth

Delilah working the merch table at the 1912 Space. Super rad place. 1912 is a non – profit geared toward helping the Fort Worth Youth by having a place to have all ages events so the kids dont resort to catcing cats and dogs on fire for fun. awesome people, so much fun!

Austin – Bridge After Party

Austin – The Bridge

This is a blurry flick of the austin after party that was held on a bridge facing the train tracks and the city of austin. The party thrower brought out a generator with a PA and crystal antlers performed as well as other bands. There were alot of good looking – overly well dressed people there so i left to find some ugly – poorly dressed people downton. It made myself feel alot better about not shopping at american appearal.

Austin – Main Show

Austin – Main Show

this is another blurry flick from matt and kim playing in austin at the main show. kids love em!

04.30 2008


I was only around for a few sets, but thought I would share some flics. Anybody have anything from Sweathearts and AJW stand-up?

01.30 2008

In case you missed it…. Plastic Little played at Silk City 2 weeks ago

Yes, Plastic little played at silk city not to long ago, and people blogged about it. Can you believe that?

01.30 2008

Message to the Mayor

Mayor Nutter has not yet acted on his campaign promise to reinstate the Office of Arts & Culture.

With the city budget deadline rapidly approaching, Space 1026 is working with Roberta Fallon and Libby Rosof of Artblog to make the face of the “arts” constituency somehow more real than it seems when people talk about artists and the arts.

1. Take a photo of yourself in your environment.

2. Email your 375 x 281 pixel photo to with your name and the location of the picture.

3. Please inform other artists via email, phone or handshake.

Learn More on Artblog

01.30 2008


Friday, January 25th we will be hosting a closing reception for Brian Willmont’s “Know Your Shadow,” in the gallery now through the 25th.
Brian will also give a brief talk about his work at 8pm. 1026 Arch St., 2nd floor
We also have some limited edition signed and numbered prints made exclusively for his show at 1026.
Prints are available now at the space as well as at the closing.

01.30 2008


We have copies of the new issues of both MEGAWORDS and ANP QUARTERLY in the gallery.
These are two of the most interesting publications to come out in the past few years,
and they are both free.
Save some room in your bag for two copies, one to read and one to give to a friend in 6 months when they get clued in and can’t find back issues.

01.30 2008

Music Vidz TONITE! 1/22/08 @ Silk City 9:00pm

If you’re too cold to go rollerskating tonight you might want to check out Silk City’s music video screening party. It starts at 9:00pm and features a whole bunch of music videos from groups such as Animal Collective, Spank Rock, Stereolab, and lots more.

They’ll also be showing three music videos that I made for Kimya Dawson, Plastic Little, and Sweatheart. So if you wanna see what these look like not on Youtube you sho