Archive for the ‘Comedy’ Category

03.12 2019



One of the last shows EVER held in the 1026 Arch St. gallery will be a special visit from touring multimedia / puppet act TRIPLE YEAH PRODUCTIONS !

PLUS : performances by Andrew Jeffrey Wright and Peter Schranz !
AND: music by Hermit Thrushes !

Holy smokes !

:) 7 PM / $8 :)

Poster by 1026er Ana Woulfe.

08.24 2014


HOW TO BEĀ  A MODEL: A Workshop With Andrew Jeffrey Wright


Do you want to be a model? Of course you do. It’s the most rewarding job in the world. Andrew Jeffrey Wright IS a model and he wants YOU to be a model too! Learn runway his way! Learn how to pose for print and web! Bring your positive attitude and willingness to learn and get ready to transcend!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014
4pm – 5pm
Shubin Theatre
407 Bainbridge St.
Philadelphia, PA 19147

This workshop is a part of the Five Dollar Comedy Week comedy festival!

It you want, join the facebook event HERE!

09.24 2012

Sun Foot & Andrew Jeffrey Wright!!! YESTERDAY!

"Sun Foot preforming at Space1026"

Andrew Jeffrey Wright art joke club

Yesterday (sunday the 23rd.) it ruled!

09.17 2012

Sun Foot & Andrew Jeffrey Wright

Sunday September 23rd
Sunfoot (featuring Chris Johanson)
Andrew Jeffery Wright makes jokes
+1 TBA?? (maybe??)
Sun Foot, the Portland/Los Angeles based trio (feat. Ron Burns, Chris Johanson and Brian Mumford) is known to produce barely amplified, feel-good vibes on electric guitar and bass nicely intertwining with analog and digital percussion. At live gigs, they deliver spare, honest jams filled with friendly humor to appreciative audiences. Chris Johanson is a good friend of Space 1026 and we are very stoked to have him and the boys come lay it on us.

Andrew Jeffery Wright is going to tell jokes and be tall and skinny, as usual.

03.09 2012

TONIGHT in South Phila

Tonight (Friday March 9th), at Cha Cha Razzi (1918 S. Bancroft, South Philly), 8pm SHARP!
Powerpoint and video antics featuring Michael Gerkovich, Andrew Jeffrey Wright, Rose Luardo, Noface performance group, Jason Hsu, Scott Gelber, Billy Fatzinger Jr., Abbey Lee Sarver, Katrina Ohstrom, Charmaine, Malwina Andruczyk, Will Dean, Tom Cory, and Max Seckel
Donation$ because everyone is poor.

09.19 2011

Film screening & powerpoint comedy TONIGHT

Monday Sept. 19th, at 8pm

@ Space 1026 (1026 Arch St. 2nd flr)
A film screening and powerpoint event

The Third Person, directed by Max Juren (touring from Austin, TX)
with powerpoint comedy antics by local weirdos:
Michael Gerkovich
Will Dean
Wendy Jane Hyatt & Gera Lavin
Joanna Quigley

“A zillion times better than Monday Nite Football”
-11 out of 10 trusted experts agree

Seriously, this movie is really really funny, and your life is going to be lacking something special if you miss it.

04.26 2011

COMEDY DREAMZ – Tuesday April 26th – $5

Comedy Dreamz

a night of stand-up, short plays, video, music and whatever!

Hosted by Rose Luardo and Andrew Jeffrey Wright
Featuring Gazebo-Flax, Matt McCusker, Karl Beyer, David Ray, Brendan Kennedy,
Body Dreamz, Jacob Marcinek, Camp Woods, Shenanigans Hannigan and Laris Kreslins!
Videos by Funny Blood and Catch-22!
Djs Kurt Life and Emilio Airhorn!

Doors 9pm / Comedy 10 – 11 / Dance Party 11:31 – 2am

the Barbary
951 Frankford and Delaware Ave.