Archive for the ‘gallery’ Category
06.06 2024
No Hard Feelings
No Hard Feelings
Heather Sundquist Hall & Max Seckel
Opening Reception
Friday, June 7th from 6pm to 10pm
844 North Broad Street
View Price List
Contact for purchase details
02.09 2023
Spiritual Crossing: Reach & Embrace
March 3 – 31
Artwork on view by Lucy H. West
Opening Reception: March 3, Friday 6-9PM
Gallery Hours: Wednesdays 6-8PM, Sundays 12-3PM
Curated by Morgan Lloyd and Nile Overton
Spiritual Crossing: Reach & Embrace is a solo exhibition comprised of mixed media canvas paintings, works on paper, and installation art by Lucy H. West. The expressive body of work wavers between abstraction and representation to convey the connections between our physical and inner worlds, inspired by the universal experience of new beginnings and finding peace within personal growth. The show’s themes are healing, self-love, emotion, growth, meditation, and taking conscious action to connect with and know oneself. West encourages her audience to interpret her work freely and connect with others in the same space by considering the multiplicity of diverse perspectives. Cultivating a judgment-free community space is also a prominent theme in the exhibition.

Learn more about Lucy’s work and the upcoming show – Medium Article
Donate Here – GoFundMe
07.22 2019
Archive Show Closing Reception w/ Fleegix and Happiness #5 !
We are taking a break from moving, planning, scheming, etc etc etc to offer one last look at our Archive Show before we dismantle the whole show and building! There are 21.5 years worth of flyers, art by members past and present, pieces from past shows, a zine library ! So much to look at and take in. AND, if that wasn’t enough, we are very excited to ALSO be hosting :
FLEEGIX (2019, dir. by Matthew Thurber)
Shot on 16mm film, Matthew Thurber’s FLEEGIX is a science-fiction film set on Earth, although some of the population have become convinced that they are in fact living on the planet Mars.
FLEEGIX includes both live action, stop motion and hand drawn animated segments. The appearance of animation in the narrative is to illustrate propaganda, such as depictions of newsworthy events on Mars. This film is an organism that grows and continues to develop a web of connected motifs and ideas. FLEEGIX is constructed through the accumulation of short scenes that echo and lead into each other, making connections across time and space. It is a a “Fairy story” whose construction resembles a role-playing game, rather than a simulation of standard motion picture narrative. At the heart of the film is the question as to how Fleegix, a beverage enjoyed by Martians, is manufactured. The film details further conflict among New York Martians who express themselves in animated movement, and the Hand Shadow Punks of Baltimore, who represent a pre-cinematic faction. The film proposes various absurd answers to this question, and the dispute takes on symbolic and mythological proportions.
A performance by HOLY PEOPLE :
The Philly debut of HAPPINESS #5, a comix anthology featuring work by Leif Goldberg, Tara Booth, Aidan Koch, Nick Norman, Matthew Thurber, Lauren Poor, Carlos Gonzalez and so many more amazing folks !! Printed by Perfectly Acceptable Press.
With performances by Nick Norman and Lauren Poor !
:) 6 PM / $10 at the door for touring artists :)
05.02 2018
Nice Futures presents MOST INCLINED 2018
2nd Annual Group Show of Art and Spring Ritual.
Alexis Talia
Lydia Ricci
Zachariah OHora
Dan McCartney
Ben Kopp
Eric Kenney
Heather Sundquist Hall
Keith Warren Greiman
Jp Flexner
Jon Bobby Benjamin
Ryan Beck
Mike Ball
Nick Apice