Archive for the ‘1026’ Category

02.01 2012

New Clint Woodside Zine!!!

Let Me Feel The Lack
New 24 pg. full color photo zine.
Color xerox
Includes 34”x 23” full color 2 sided poster & 4”x 6” print, chosen at random.

Edition of 200

Available here.

See more here.

(spread the word.)

01.26 2012

Last few days to see UNSUSTAINABLE

Saturday is the last day of Jay Hardman’s UNSUSTAINABLE. Come by the gallery – we’re open as long as someone is in the building. Pull the rope on your right when facing the door to be let in.

12.12 2011

Thanks To Everyone Who Came To The Auction!

Your support means the world to us!
Some photos on the Flick and the Facebook

12.06 2011

TOMORROW NIGHT – Sketch Playground!

A night of sketch and improv hosted by Dan Vetrano.

Wednesday, December 7th (Facebook event page)
Sketch Playground with Dan Vetrano
doors 7:30, comedy 8pm

12.05 2011

TOMORROW NIGHT – Herstorys, Mysterys

Herstorys, Mysterys (Facebook event page)
What is herstory?  Who tells it?  Why is it so hard to read?
The olde Pennsylvania City Powerpointe society for baby geniuses, old orphans, new logos, and cosmonaut trannies presents “Herstorys Mersterys”, a powerpoint lecture series.
Tellin’ “history” like it really is: Michelle Gerkovich, Maxine Seckel, Wendy Jane Hyatt, Joanna S. Quigley, Beth Heinly, Wilma Dean, Billy Jean Fatzinger, Scout Gelber, Geraldine Lavin, Abbey Sarver, and Katrina Ohstrom
doors 7:30, powerpoint 8pm

12.04 2011



The New Dreamz are performers Rose Luardo and Andrew Jeffrey Wright ( Come see their brand new show of short plays and stand up comedy. It is all new and has never been done anywhere before ever.
doors 7:30pm, performance 8pm to 9pm

12.03 2011

TOMORROW – Open Studio Tours & Performance

OPEN STUDIO TOUR! (Facebook event page)
Ever wonder what goes on at Space 1026 in between monthly First Friday openings? Here’s your chance to check out what our over 20 members are up to in their individual and shared studio spaces.
1pm to 4pm


The Beautiful Refrigerator is Empty, performed by No Face (Facebook event page)

We welcome Philadelphia-based performance artists to perform their play The Beautiful Refrigerator is Empty, a multi-disciplinary drag show exploring the pressures of adolescence.
More information on No Face here.
doors 7:30pm, performance begins at 8pm


12.03 2011

back again this year, Auctioneer Todd Kimmell!

Todd Kimmell, photo by Adam Wallacavage

photograph by Adam Wallacavage

Todd Kimmell, AKA That Toddly Man, will join us again this year as our auctioneer. His new studio is in a 100 year old bowling alley in Ardmore that no one knew was there. Not kidding.

If you visit, he suggests a bottle of decent port or a six pack of hard cider as the password. That said, visitors really are welcome, and the ancient two lane bowling alley is in fine working order.

When we asked our perennial gentleman of the arts why he willingly puts himself through an evening of torture on our behalf, he simply smiled and sang “The ham bone ‘s connected to the… jaw bone!”

12.02 2011

TOMORROW! Saturday Session of the AV Club

Saturday Session of the AV Club (Facebook event page)
We welcome the Museum of Children’s Electronic Instruments for a day of audio/visual fun!  Learn how to make music with electronic music machines, basic safe circuit bending and creating video art. Play some songs and enjoy refreshments.

This is a family-friendly electronic music-making event – please bring your kids!
1pm to 4pm

12.01 2011

Art Auction Preview

Bellow are a few donations that will be auctioned on Friday, December 9th!